Hungary/Ukraine - Q&A - Extract from the press briefing (17 July 2024)


Q: The office of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán said on Monday that the peace plan for Ukraine had been sent to all EU member countries. Did France receive such a document? What was the reaction to this initiative? Will Paris respond to Mr. Orbán?

A: Viktor Orbán reported back to the European Council on the consultations he decided to hold with third parties on the subject of Ukraine.

But as we have already emphasized, the European Council did not give the Hungarian Prime Minister a mandate to carry out this initiative, nor does it fall within the framework of Hungary’s current presidency of the Council of the European Union. The European Council meeting on June 27 reaffirmed the EU’s unshakeable commitment to continuing to provide Ukraine and its people with political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support for as long as it takes, and as intensively as necessary.