Israel/Palestinian Territories - Q&A (8 December 2023)


Does France believe that there is a credible path for negotiations in the Israel-Hamas war?

Against the backdrop of the current crisis, France underscores the urgent need to reestablish a political horizon in order to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and our determination to contribute to that goal. The two-state solution continues to be the only viable solution to satisfy the Israeli need for security and the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for an independent state living in peace and security alongside Israel.

In this regard, France wishes to remind you that Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people. It is therefore important to strengthen the role of the Palestinian Authority, the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and their aspirations. That has been France’s unwavering position, and it is the third pillar of the Peace and Security Initiative presented by President Macron during his visit to the Middle East in late October. It is the aim of efforts by President Macron and the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs in the various forums where France is working to advance a solution to the current crisis, particularly at the UN, and in our many discussions with our partners in the region.

During the Follow-up meeting to the International Humanitarian Conference for the Civilian Population in Gaza held on December 6, the Minister reiterated France’s call for a new, immediate and lasting humanitarian truce that must lead to a permanent ceasefire. This is an essential precondition for delivering more humanitarian aid to the civilian population of Gaza, ensuring the release of all hostages and reestablishing a political horizon.