Montenegro – Meeting between Clément Beaune and Djordje Radulovic (Paris, 21 April 2021)


Clément Beaune, Minister of State for European Affairs, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, received Djordje Radulovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, on April 21.

They discussed the context of the health and economic situation in Montenegro and the EU assistance provided to the country to address it, including through the forthcoming implementation of the European assistance mechanisms to ensure access to vaccines by Balkan countries.

The minister of state reaffirmed France’s support for Montenegro’s European prospects, as well as our position concerning the EU accession process, based on the new enlargement methodology, which Montenegro accepted. Clément Beaune expressed France’s support for the priority accorded by Montenegro to rule of law reforms. He also underscored our attachment to the stability of the Western Balkans region.

The minister of state stressed the importance we attach to our bilateral relations and to the strengthening of these relations, as reflected by our cooperation in the economic field and notably with respect to tourism. During this meeting, Clément Beaune and Djordje Radulovic signed an intergovernmental agreement to allow the French Development Agency (AFD) to expand its activities in Montenegro, as well as an agreement on a €50 million loan from AFD to the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro for an initiative aimed at supporting Montenegro’s SMEs and towns in their environmental projects.