Russia – France condemns the Russian Supreme Court’s addition of the "international LGBT movement" to the list of extremist organizations (1 December 2023)


France strongly condemns the Russian Supreme Court’s addition of the "international LGBT movement" to its list of extremist organizations. This exposes members of associations that defend the rights of LGBT+ people to criminal prosecution and significant prison sentences.

This decision is the latest serious, unacceptable violation of human rights in Russia. It deprives LGBT+ people of the few ways they still have to protect their rights, following the recent toughening of laws against them.

France expresses its full support for LGBT+ people facing state-sponsored homophobia in Russia, based on despicable propaganda.

As Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Catherine Colonna announced in September, France has set up a €2 million fund to provide support to those who defend the rights of LGBT+ people. France reiterates its commitment to the universal decriminalization of homosexuality, the defense of LGBT+ rights and the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.