Syria – Bombardment in Idlib province (6 November 2023)


France condemns the artillery fire and air strikes by the Syrian regime and Russia in Idlib province, in northwestern Syria.

Since October 5, these indiscriminate attacks have left at least 70 dead, one-third of whom were children, and nearly 350 wounded. They have targeted residential neighborhoods, displaced persons camps and civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals. According to the UN, more than 120,000 people have been forced to flee the fighting. All in all, the war waged by the Syrian regime, Russia and their allies in Syria have killed hundreds of thousands of Syrians and displaced nearly 12 million people.

France reaffirms its support for the call issued by the UN Secretary-General and his Special Envoy for a cessation of hostilities throughout Syria and a political resolution consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

France reaffirms its commitment to the strict respect for international humanitarian law and human rights. It reaffirms its support for the fight against impunity.